November 11, 2013 ↘︎

Calculated metrics in SiteCatalyst

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SiteCatalyst, or Reports & Analytics as it’s now known, provides for quite a few standard metrics. Of course you can add up to 100 of your own custom metrics (success events) and then you can create an unlimited supply of calculated metrics. Below are some of the more common calculated metrics, as documented within the Adobe platform.

Traffic Calculated Metrics

Name Formula Metric Type Description
Bounce Rate Single Access/Entries Percent When a given page is the entry page, this calculated metric shows how often visitors leave the site without accessing any other pages.
Weighted Bounce Rate (Single Access/Entries) * (Page Views/Total Page Views) Percent Same as Bounce Rate, but gives a higher value to pages that are viewed more often on the site, thus pushing your most popular pages with this problem to the top of the list.
Page Views per Visit Page Views/Visits Numeric When applied at a site level: shows the average number of pages per visit. When applied in the Most Popular Pages report: shows the average number of times a specific page was viewed per visit.
Page Views per Visitor Page Views/Daily Unique Visitors, etc. Numeric Shows the average number of pages per unique visitor (daily uniques, weekly uniques, monthly uniques, and so on.)
Exit Rate Exits/Visits Percent In the Most Popular Pages report, when a certain page is part of a visit, shows how often it is an exit page.
Entry Rate Entries/Visits Percent In the Most Popular Pages report, when a certain page is part of a visit, shows how often it is an exit page.
Multi-Page Visit Entry Rate (Entries – Single Access) / Entries Percent In the Most Popular Pages report, when a page is the entry page, this shows how often it leads to at least one other page.
Visits per Visitors Visits/Daily Unique Visitors, etc. Numeric Shows the average number of visits per unique visitor (daily, weekly, monthly, and so on.)
Page Views/No Reloads Page Views – Reloads Numeric shows how many page views a page gets counting Back button or additional path views to the page, but not reloads.
Reload Percentage Reloads/Page Views Percent Shows the percentage of the page views that were reloads of that page.

Conversion Calculated Metrics

 Name Formula   Metric Type  Description
Average Order Value Revenue/Orders Currency Shows average revenue per order.
Order Conversion Orders/Visits Percent Shows the percentage of visits that result in an order.
Buyer Conversion Orders/Visitor Percent Shows the percentage of visitors that place an order.
Checkout Conversion Rate Orders/Checkouts Percent Shows the percentage of checkouts that result in an order.
Checkout Initiation Rate Checkouts/Visits Checkouts/Visits Shows the percentage of visits that result in a checkout.
Average Order Size Units/Orders Numeric Shows how many items are purchased in an order on average.
Event Conversion Orders/Event Percent Usable for any custom conversion event; shows the percentage of visits that result in that conversion event. (For example, registrations per visit, form completion per visit, download per visit, and so on.)
Product View Conversion Orders/Product View Percent Available in the product reports only. Shows the percentage of product views that result in an order.
Abandoned Cart Adds – Orders Numeric Shows how many cart additions did not result in an order. (Effective at a product level as well as a site level.)
Abandonment Rate 1 – (Orders/Cart Adds) Percent Shows the percentage of visitors who added an item to their cart and then did not purchase it.
Abandoned Revenue (Revenue/Orders) * (Cart Adds – Orders) Currency Shows the general amount of revenue loss due to abandonment. (Revenue is based on the value of the average order.)
Custom eVar Conversion Rate Orders/Instances Percent In a custom eVar report, shows the percentages of instances (or setting the variable) that resulted in an order. For example, when using a custom eVar to track internal searches, it can show the percentage of searches on a keyword that resulted in an order.
Campaign Conversion Rate Orders/Click-throughs Percent (Available in Campaign reports.) Shows the percentage of click-throughs that resulted in an order. (Can also be used with any conversion event, not just orders. When using Event 1 for registrations, Event 1/Clickthroughs gives you the percentage of campaign click- throughs that resulted in a registration).
Revenue per “Action” Revenue/Instances Currency In an eVar report, when an eVar is set when someone clicks something (like an internal promotion or specific navigation), this metric shows the amount of revenue that was a direct result of the click.
Average Item Value Revenue/Units Currency Shows the average revenue per item purchased.
Event to Event Ratio Event to Event Ratio Percent Shows the percentage of custom events that resulted in a different custom event. (For example, if you have a sign-in that may lead to a download, and they were set to Event 1 and Event 2 respectively, this shows you downloads per sign-in.)
“Unrounded” Revenue “Unrounded” Revenue Currency to the second decimal place Revenue by default rounds to the dollar. If you want to see Revenue to the cent, create a calculated metric with two decimal places.

Only some of these calculated metrics might be useful to you, which is why they’re not included as standard calculated metrics when you create a new report suite.

Remember though, with new calculated metrics, you need to educate your users on how to use the metrics (which reports to add them to) and how to interpret the results.

Tell us if you have any calculated metrics that you use.

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