August 15, 2013 ↘︎

A yardstick for your digital content playbook.

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Thousands of content creators are slogging it out to create timely, relevant and inspiring content that is intended to make you fall in love and buy something – but how much of your time are you willing to give?

Some content stays with you, inspires you to change the way you think, act, behave and work – whilst others you spend a lustful hour with, only to dump after a naughty quick-fix.

Anyone can Google a subject and become an expert.

We all have a selection criteria when it comes to deciding who makes our read-list, but we need to be tougher if we’re ever to survive the maelstrom of content marketing hitting our web-browsers.

So how do you decide what to consume and what to trash?  Here’s my selection criteria:

  1. Help me be better at my job.

    Original content that helps to inform digital strategy, backed by reputable research and inspires a train of thought for me will always be the backbone to my digital content playbook.  Sites like eConsultancy, Hubspot, SmartInsights and Altimeter – because without them, I quite literally would be making stuff up.

  2. Make me want to be a better person.

    These are the sites that make me get that racy feeling like I’ve discovered something awesomeMaria Popolova, 99 Per Cent, My New Roots – I’m looking at you.  You will always have a special place in my heart.

  3. Show some spunk.

    One of the (many) reasons I broke up with Content Marketing Institute and took up cahoots with Hubspot is due to tone of voice.  I like my content to be distinctive and slightly shocking – case in point – I still heart you Copyblogger.

  4. Look pretty.

    Clean aesthetics makes for gripping content.  Large fonts, open space, imagery that contributes to the story. Forbes, Inc., Wired – for me, great aesthetic is in letting the content breathe.

Raise the bar

WordPress users publish 347 new blog posts every minute* and 49% of marketers in Australia are set to increase their content marketing spend in 2013**.  By being choosy on the digital content we consume and fostering quality content over quantity, we can raise the bar on the flood of content that’s being created every day – and purge ourselves from junk content.


*How Much Data Is Created Every Minute?
** Content Marketing in Australia: 2013 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends (CMI)

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