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KPIs: defining and measuring in campaigns

There’s no end to what can be measured as part of your campaign in SiteCatalyst and using your KPIs is the best way to do this. Find out exactly how to define and measure them in your next campaign.

Campaign measurement in SiteCatalyst allows you to evaluate performance against any of your standard or 75+ custom events, on top of the standard click and cart based metrics. A good digital campaign strategy document will include the overarching campaign objectives, and a connected campaign measurement plan will break down the overall objective into measurable KPIs.

What is measurable?

There is no end to what can be measured as a part of your campaign; whether it’s increased traffic to a site section, a submitted form, a completed application process, or increased time on site, each of these are measurable.
If you already have metrics against each of your KPIs, then it’s easy to measure say a 10% lift in submitted forms, and using your tracking codes, determine how much is directly related to your campaign activity.

Why should I do this?

Reflecting KPIs as SiteCatalyst based metrics allows you to easily create automated dashboards with differing levels of information for multiple stakeholder audiences, as well as send email alerts if a particular metric drops below a set threshold. Combined with the recent real time monitoring in SiteCatalyst, you have all the information at your fingertips to ensure your campaign performs against your confirmed KPIs.

I haven’t got any KPIs

Don’t worry, you’re not the first person I’ve heard this from. If you don’t have any clearly defined goals or KPIs, you’ll need to get some. Don’t be afraid to create your own and get them endorsed by your stakeholders.


Read all of my tips for successful campaign management, or continue reading with my next tip Have you got you settings right?

The content and advice contained in this post may be out of date. Last updated on March 4, 2014.

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