August 16, 2013 ↘︎

Building a magnificent machine

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Everything we do at digital balance starts with research. We love to take the whole and break it down into manageable pieces, find out how each of the cogs best intersect and work together to create a magnificent, finely tuned machine.

In the process of upgrading our own website to a responsive design we took apart our own machine and inspected the cogs. On our digital travels we discovered lots of wonderful information, but like any journey there are times you strike gold and uncover things that perfectly resonate with what you’re doing.


“…marketing is neither an art nor a science. It’s both…if your business is to achieve its full potential, you need to combine the two disciplines.”

‘Are you a Marketing Artist or Scientist’ Copyblogger


The notion of marketers balancing styles in Copyblogger’s article inspired our own thought processes. Though we are relatively small in numbers we are big on thinking and wanted to reflect this in our web content. Each of us contributes cogs to the machine; the ‘scientists’ revel in logic and maths, analysing customer data to help them make informed decisions, while the ‘artists’ devour words and visual elements to aid in the planning and strategy for clients’ brand marketing. The following infographic we found on Smart Insights really helped us with the presentation of our digital blend.





It became apparent that although we are grouped according to our strengths and skills set we actually rely on both sides of the coin when working on projects. When writing measurement plans and communicating insights we need to think creatively to appeal to the visual, left-brained thinkers that we’re relating the information to. Similarly, our strategic projects would be pretty gutless without dipping into right side thinking that confidently lets us ‘know what to do’ in order to reach the business goals of our clients.

So whether we look to the other side of the room for help or switch from left to right brained thinking to draw on those hidden skills when working on our marketing projects, it’s all about finding the balance between art and science.

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